Vermont is home to tons of delicious, traditional recipes that locals and tourists love. Many popular Vermont foods are true comfort foods, perfect for farmers who have spent long hours working outdoors (think baked macaroni and cheese and chicken pie.) The best Vermont foods are made with tons of freshly grown and harvested ingredients and also usually incorporate lots of butter and cheese. Keep reading for a list of the most delicious and famous Vermont foods! These can be found across the state, year round!
Apple Pie and Cheddar Cheese
I know that apple pie is popular across the United States, but what makes Vermont apple pie stand out is that it’s traditionally served with a big slice of cheddar cheese! Apples and cheese go so well together, and this is definitely a tasty combo. I highly recommend an apple pie made with fresh Vermont-grown apples, and served with a sharp, white Cabot cheddar.

All the Cheese
Vermont is certainly well known for its delicious cheese! Cabot Cheese, specifically is a favorite nation wide. I love all Cabot products, but I highly recommend the aged Alpine Cheddar Cheese and the Habanero Cheddar Cheese, both are so good. You can find Cabot Cheese in grocery stores across the country, but when visiting Vermont I highly recommend visiting the Cabot Village Store in the town of Cabot.
I also recommend checking out Jasper Hill cheeses. The Bayley Hazen Blue is a favorite of many! You can shop Jasper Hill cheese online here, their gift boxes make great gifts.
Fall Chicken Pie Suppers
Chicken Pie Suppers are a staple of a Vermont fall. Usually, you’ll find these community suppers at local churches throughout the state during September and October. If you’re traveling through Vermont during these months, I recommend asking around to see where a local chicken pie supper is taking place. The dinners typically cost around $10-$15 per person, and are prepared by community and church members. Not only is the food delicious, but it’s a great way to feel like a part of the community!
A classic chicken pie supper includes chicken pie with gravy, winter squash/mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, coleslaw and fresh pumpkin pie or apple crisp for dessert!

Fried Dough
Fried dough is a Vermont fair classic! Although fried dough, in some form, is popular across the globe, in Vermont it is fried into a large circle and served powdered sugar, cinnamon and warm melted butter. You’ll be able to find fried dough at most fairs during the summer months and it is always delicious!

Apple Cider Donuts
Apple Cider donuts are a New England specialty! You can find apple cider donuts year round, but I like them best in the fall with a cup of hot apple cider. I highly recommend checking out Cold Hollow Cider Mill in Waterbury, Vermont. They serve delicious apple cider donuts and cider year round. In the summer months, they make a yummy ice cream sandwich with maple soft serve and apple cider donuts!
Ben & Jerry’s Iconic Ice Cream
Ben & Jerry’s was founded in Vermont and even though you can now get it worldwide, there’s something extra-special about eating it in its home state. In addition to visiting a VT scoop shop, you can also visit and tour the factory in Waterbury. This is a fun experience for just about anyone!
Craft Beer
Not a food, but definitely something that makes Vermont special. Vermont has some amazing craft beer and checking out the wide array of breweries across the state is a ton of fun. I love visiting breweries year round and there’s never a shortage in Vermont. Many also serve great food.
I recommend checking out The Alchemist, Red Barn Brewing and Switchback! For a list, and map, of Vermont breweries across the state, click here.
Barr Hill Gin
Again, not a food, but Barr Hill is award winning! Barr Hill spirits are distilled in Vermont and they have won numerous awards; over 15 since 2012 to be exact. I’m not a gin drinker, but my family and friends love Barr Hill. You can visit the distillery for cocktails and raw honey!
All things maple
Vermont is famous for all-things maple! So much so, that we have an entire post dedicated to the most delicious maple foods in Vermont. Click here to check it out!
Thanks for reading all about the most delicious and famous Vermont food! As always, if you enjoyed this post please save and share. If you have any other delicious and famous Vermont foods to add to this post, please let me know in the comments.
Other posts to check out:
- Things to do in Burlington, Vermont in the Winter
- 10 Most Amazing Winter Activities in Vermont
- Trapp Family Lodge Review
- 24 Hours in Stowe, Vermont
- 10 Best Things to do in Stowe, Vermont – Summer
Love this! I grew up in New England and loved going to Vermont, especially during maple sugaring season!
Love it! This post made me so hungry and ready for a road trip haha. Apple Cider donuts also sound amaaaazing!
Lol I love apple pie and cheese…but I am not convinced about having them together! I tried it once…but I was not a fan. I’d eat oodles of both separately though!
I loved Vermont, especially for the food. Reading this makes me want to go back to explore more.
Idk if I can get on board with cheese in an apple pie – but I’m def planning to head to Vermont to find out now!
I think I’d lean more towards those yummy looking donuts
You don’t actually put the cheese in the apple pie. You have a slice of warm apple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese (has to be sharp cheddar). Somehow they just compliment each other. I was born and raised in Vermont and the thought of the two together really wasn’t appealing to me so I didn’t even try until my 30’s. Now I don’t have a slice of apple pie without a piece of sharp cheddar.
Yay for Ben & Jerrys + Cabot Cheese (the only cheddar cheese I’ve ever liked. :P)! Apple pie is my favorite type of pie + I’d love to try out one of those chicken pie suppers! *-*